A Full-Stack Web Developer

I'm a Digital Systems Electronic and Software Engineer who loves both front-end and back-end technologies. I enjoy turning ideas into visually appealing digital structures using the latest web technologies and frameworks.

Technologies currently focusing on:

Flutter svg logo Rails svg logo WordPress svg logo Angular svg logo

I enjoy working with object oriented programming. My standard daily work flow includes developing custom websites, themes, and plugins using the popular CMS WordPress.

I develop ios and andriod mobile applications using Dart and the Flutter framework. I use Ruby On Rails and Angular to create awesome web apps, microservices, and APIs.

My preferred code editors are Brackets, Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, and Xcode.

Tech stack

HTML CSS SCSS SASS JavaScript TypeScript JQuery Angular React PHP WordPress Ruby Ruby On Rails Flutter Dart Swift Jekyll Shopify Bigcommerce Woocommerce Bootstrap Foundation Skeleton Material Design JSON XML Git Postgress MySQL Affinity Designer Sketch Affinity Photo

SEO stack

Keyword Research Onsite SEO Offsite SEO Link Building Schema Google Search Console Google Analytics Google Merchant Center Google Ads Facebook Ads Pinterest Ads Instagram Ads

Laptop dock

mac finder logo safari browser vector logo svg chrome browser vector logo svg firefox browser vector logo svg sketch logo affinity designer vector svg logo affinity logo svg vector icon logo procreate svg vector logo sketch logo affinity designer vector svg logo affinity designer vector svg logo affinity logo svg vector icon logo affinity logo svg vector icon logo android studio logo svg vector icon logo spark email logo svg vector icon logo mac terminal logo svg vector icon logo github logo svg vector icon logo postgresql logo svg vector icon logo filezilla logo svg vector icon logo filezilla logo svg vector icon logo filezilla logo svg vector icon logo

I have learned a lot by reading, studying, and practicing through several resources including articles, blogs, YouTube videos, web tutorials, online courses, and books.

I use this website to share my latest work, knowledge, and ideas - I hope you find it helpful.